
Facilitating a Second Main Residence for a UK National Living and Residing in the Middle East


Richard Webb

London houses
Richard Webb

Richard Webb

Our client is a UK national who sought to buy a second residential home to split time between the UK and the Middle East. The client is a contractor working in the Middle East, which presented challenges.

The client was interested in purchasing a property in London with a market value of just short of a million pounds. They required a mortgage loan of circa £750k to facilitate the investment.

There were multiple challenges faced; 

  • Non-resident status, working for a company based in the Middle East
  • Income was on a contracting basis as opposed to being 'employed' 
  • Stringent due diligence: Given the client's unique circumstances, the lender required a meticulous examination of their financial situation.

Despite the client's non-resident status, non-standard income, and the strict criteria typically applied to non-residents working in the Middle East, Enness successfully secured a mortgage for them. 

Enness navigated the complexities in this case and secured the mortgage, allowing the client to buy a second home in London. This case demonstrates our commitment to finding innovative solutions for clients with unconventional financial backgrounds, helping them have a base in the UK to spend crucial time with family and having a base here in the UK also.

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Some case studies are made up of enquiries that have come into the business, not all business completes, and the posting of a case study does not represent a completed piece of business.