
Facilitating £2 Million Acquisition Funding for Fintech Multinational Without Personal Guarantee


Chris Davey

Facilitating £2 Million Acquisition Funding for Fintech Multinational Without Personal Guarantee
Chris Davey

Chris Davey

In this case study, Enness Global assisted a large multinational fintech firm in acquiring £2 million in funding to buy out an existing shareholder, despite the client being based in the US.

The client was a prominent fintech multinational with a strong global presence, who sought to expand its operations by buying out an existing shareholder. The objective was to gain greater control over its strategic decisions and foster long-term growth opportunities. However, the client faced a significant challenge, as it needed the funding to be available on day one and had to refrain from providing a personal guarantee due to their US residency status.

Enness Global recognised the complexity of the client's requirements and the need for a highly customised financing solution. The financial advisory team assessed the client's financial standing, investment portfolio, and future cash flows to understand the client's overall financial health and creditworthiness.

Key Strategies:

  • Network of Lenders: Leveraging its extensive network of global lenders and financial institutions, Enness Global identified lenders receptive to providing substantial financing to a multinational firm in the fintech sector.
  • Collateral-Free Solutions: The financial experts at Enness Global negotiated with lenders to structure a loan package that did not require a personal guarantee, which eased the client's concerns regarding potential personal liability.
  • Quick Turnaround: Recognising the client's need for immediate funding, Enness Global expedited the loan application process without compromising on thorough due diligence.
  • Competitive Terms: Enness Global negotiated competitive interest rates and favourable repayment terms, ensuring the client could manage the loan comfortably while focusing on business expansion.

Enness Global successfully secured a £2 million acquisition loan for the client, delivered on day one as required. The financing was structured without a personal guarantee, mitigating any potential personal risks for the client based in the US. This enabled the client to complete the buyout successfully and gain full control of the strategic direction of the business, ultimately accelerating the client's growth and expansion goals.


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