
Enness’ Hugh Wade-Jones talks at the Luxpro 2018 Business Event

Enness’ Hugh Wade-Jones talks at the Luxpro 2018 Business Event

Islay Robinson

We are very proud to have had our Managing Director Hugh Wade-Jones speak at the Luxpro Event at London’s lavish Bulgari Hotel. The Luxpro is billed as a ‘modern alternative to business networking’ that eliminates the monotony of conferences and delivers real and exciting results. Hugh gave a detailed insight into our capabilities and services at Enness and shared with the audience some vital information on the high net worth mortgage market.

Hugh gave a great insight into the subjects of capital controls, money laundering regulations, ‘high risk’ clients and repayment of debt, while managing the near impossible task of keeping a room full of global superstar business people interested. Hugh demonstrated some fantastic reasons to be optimistic for mortgage lending during the country’s economic uncertainty and shared some thought-provoking knowledge on locations that high net worth clients are investing in. With his wealth of experience in this field, Hugh emphasised how the need for a mortgage broker who understands the global marketplace has never been greater.