
Enness Secures $8.5m Trade Finance Deal for Multi-national Corporate


Scott Monks

Scott Monks

Scott Monks

  • London headquartered business with seven global offices
  • Operate in the manufacturing and wholesale sector
  • Trade Finance product build on Cashflow
  • Total debt facility: $8.5m

Enness were introduced to this organically growing multi-national corporate seeking debt support to enact their next stage of growth. Owing to their presence in some higher-risk jurisdictions, they had been let down by ‘traditional’ lenders. 

We arranged both a buy-side and sell-side facility that enabled them to finance their working capital cycle properly, releasing ‘locked up’ cash to support onward growth in the form of organic increased revenue with existing clients and further enhancement of their own production facilities.

This is a challenging deal due to the nature of the business and the trading revenue generated in higher-risk jurisdictions. However, Enness took the time to understand the business and the intricacies of how it operates to correctly proposition the requirement to niche lenders.

As a result, Enness have supported the business with a new, bespoke trade finance facility, which will see their revenue quadruple almost overnight.


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Some case studies are made up of enquiries that have come into the business, not all business completes, and the posting of a case study does not represent a completed piece of business.