
Facilitating a Foreign Investment in the UK Property Market


Richard Webb

Facilitating a Foreign Investment in the UK Property Market
Richard Webb

Richard Webb

Our client is an American national who sought to invest in the UK property market. Being self-employed and not a current homeowner, the client faced challenges securing a mortgage due to the common restrictions imposed on foreign investors in the UK.

The client was interested in purchasing a property in London with a market value of roughly half a million pounds. They required a mortgage loan of circa £300k to facilitate the investment.

There were multiple challenges faced. 

  • Non-resident status: The client's American nationality and non-resident status in the UK posed a significant hurdle to securing a mortgage.
  • Limited income: The client's self-employment income was modest, making them an unconventional borrower.
  • Stringent due diligence: Given the client's unique circumstances, the lender required a meticulous examination of their financial situation.

Despite the client's non-resident status, limited income, and the strict criteria typically applied to foreign investors, we successfully secured a mortgage for them. While the loan amount was not substantial, it was a significant achievement considering the client's challenging financial situation.

Enness were able to navigate the complexities shown within this case and secured the mortgage, allowing the client to invest in the London property market. This case demonstrates our commitment to finding innovative solutions for clients with unconventional financial backgrounds, helping them achieve their real estate investment goals.

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