
Enness’ Approach to Mortgage Broking

Mortgage Broking

Islay Robinson

Enness has an exact and trusted place in the mortgage broking market, formed and refined over many years of design (and trial and error). We exist for the following reasons: 

  • Advising High Net Worth and prominent Individuals on the most efficient mortgage solutions based on their personal circumstances
  • Providing a market-leading service to individuals who want an experienced professional on their side to make sure transactions happen smoothly and efficiently within set timeframes 
  • Solving mortgage problems where main banks and brokers have failed 
  • Pushing boundaries and creating inventive solutions to unusual circumstances 

Our approach to all new requests and clients is as follows: 

  1. All first contacts are managed by a relationship manager who understands the market we operate in, can quickly see if we can help or not, and will match the client to the best possible broker based on their needs. 
  2. The client will then speak to the broker at a time that suits them and over the most appropriate medium – we get this part arranged as fast as possible and can often happen instantly.
  3. The broker will work quickly to understand the client’s position, background, circumstances and plans. At this stage, we will only talk and we won’t ask for paperwork or forms to be filled unless it is absolutely necessary.
  4. The broker will then explain what we think is possible (from the widest view of the market), what it will cost, what the process will be and what the risks or problems to be overcome are.
  5. At this point, if the client is happy, we will set to work on agreeing on the mortgage terms in principle, assembling paperwork and documents to support the case, discussing the lending request with the correct people at the banks we think are best placed and doing as much as possible to ensure the first approach will work.
  6. Then, at this point, if the client wishes to proceed with a formal application, our fees are agreed and we set to work on the formal application. 
  7. Through the entire process, we will be hands-on and pushing every detail to ensure the transaction is completed as cleanly and quickly as possible, managing all other parties in the process.  

Our approach and structure create the following outcomes: 

We take most on the risk to the application process

We are confident in our ability to such an extent that we will complete practically all of the work before asking that our fees are paid or agreed. We will understand you, speak to your advisers, research the whole market, negotiate terms, and present them to you all free of charge.  

We back ourselves to find the best possible solution, no matter the complexity, without committing the client to any cost or obligation. Except for a small administration fee payable when we start a formal application, we reserve the majority of our fees to delivering what we say we will. 

We are happy to work on files for weeks, months and years before asking for any fees to be paid. 

We look at your whole position 

We cover the whole market, regulated,unregulated, residentialcommercialbridging, development finance, UK and international. We work with every lender and are not driven by commission. We understand complex structures, financial agreements and think creatively and wildly to find the best solution for the client. 

We don’t sell products 

We create solutions to problems, then present them to our clients. We don’t push insurance, wealth management, financial instruments or add ons. Our finance brokers don’t have any formal targets or quotas.  

We don’t cross-sell 

If our clients ask us for a recommendation, solution or introduction we will, of course, do so – but we don’t sell any other services other than mortgage broking – we think that’s important. 

We are clear and transparent  

As we are success-based and solution-driven we have nowhere to hide. We also have nothing to gain by not being clear and open.  

Our brokers are on your side and are motivated to solve your problems. We will explain all fees, charges, risks, and barriers clearly and openly so that you have the information you need to make an informed decision. 

We create back up and contingency plans 

Sometimes, even with the best planning and process, mortgage applications just don’t work. It’s a human process based on subjective decisions and interpretation. Legal titles, valuations and underwriters can throw up the unexpected and sometimes an obstacle appears which just cannot be overcome. These are all pain points for us as well as the client.  

We know sometimes things just won’t work so our team will always have a backup or contingency plan in place. Sometimes we will run 2 (or more) applications in tandem to reduce the odds of something scuppering the deal – especially when timelines are tight. 

We think this approach and these outcomes create the best position for our clients and make sure that our interests are aligned with them.