
Lakeside holiday home mortgage for international property

International mortgage for lakeside holiday home

Looking to purchase a holiday home or international property can be a very exciting time, but if you’ve never secured a European mortgage before, it can also be difficult to know where to begin.

I was recently able to advise a UK national who was looking to buy property in Lake Geneva and therefore needed an international mortgage. He had already located the property he wanted to buy, which was valued at €795,000. Having already approached a lender himself, he had secured terms for a 75% loan to value (LTV) international mortgage on an interest-only basis at 2.65%.

However, my client was curious as to if he could achieve a better international mortgage rate with the help of a broker, which is often the case. This was already most likely the best international mortgage rate he could achieve by directly approaching a retail bank. He, therefore, enquired to me at Enness and I set to work researching and liaising with lenders who I felt would be able to assist this client, given his very positive financial profile.


I was able to secure a 100% LTV international mortgage for the entire amount of €795,000, with 30% of this placed as assets under management (AUM). Clients are often concerned about placing AUM, which is frequently required in the international property market, but this can be beneficial as the AUM will generate returns.

The loan itself would be on an interest-only term, at a fixed rate of 1.75%. This was almost 1% lower than the international mortgage terms my client had secured for himself, so this was an excellent result. This international mortgage was also offered with no early repayment charges (ERCs).

If you are interested in getting a mortgage in Europe, we can help you to navigate the market and secure the best deal.

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