
Q&A with Toby Johncox, Head of Mortgage Sales

Q&A with Toby Johncox, Head of Mortgage Sales

Toby Johncox

1. How did you get into the property finance industry? 

After studying Computer science at University, I had always been interested in pursuing a career in banking. Coupled with naivety and a lack of any real experience, it wasn’t meant to be, so I headed home and moved back in with my parents.

Keen to fly the nest, I started applying for all kinds of jobs, one of which was an entry level sales position at Foxtons. Coincidently, whilst plotting my future route to early retirement, I had decided that investing in real estate would be the way to do it. So when offered the job at Foxtons, I thought it would be a short stay and a chance to gain some valuable  “property experience”… in a flash 3 years past buy and I found myself frustrated, I raised my concerns with the then MD of Foxtons, Jean Jameson, who calmly suggested that I tried broking mortgages as an opportunity to stay in real estate but to also explore the world of finance. That was 7 years ago, and I haven’t looked back.

2. What do you enjoy the most about your role? 

I have two roles at Enness. Firstly, I am the Head of Mortgage Sales, within this role I most enjoy helping others to solve complicated problems for their clients, seeing advisors develop from new brokers to some of the best advisors in our industry and accomplishing the goals that they set. 

My second role is as Mortgage Broker with a special interest in financing Super Prime London property for complex international clients. My favourite part of that this role (other than the commissions) is solving problems for client whereby other advisors have been unable to assist – solving the puzzle and closing the deal are 2 of the best parts of my job. 

3. What are your key strengths as the Head of Mortgage Sales?   

a.     Knowledgeable

b.     Approachable

c.     Consistent

d.     Organised

e.     Relentless

4. You lead the Enness office in Dubai – how can Enness help Middle Eastern residents?

We opened the office in Dubai with a focus on servicing UHNW Gulf based clients 4 years ago. Since then we have spent time to understand deeply the intricacies of clients based in the region and have developed a unique selection of lenders who can assist our clients.

5. Is Sharia-compliant finance available in the UK and Europe?

Sharia Finance is available for clients all over the world who are looking to buy or refinance property in both the UK and Europe.

6. What are your top tips for Middle Eastern clients buying in the UK?

  • Prepare – namely build a strong team around you to make sure you get the best possible outcome
  • Lawyer – to make sure the legal work is concluded quickly and correctly
  • Property agent – to make sure you buy the best property for your requirements
  • Tax advisor – to make sure the property is purchased in the most effective manner
  • Mortgage Broker – to make sure your financing application is successfully, processed quickly and is the most competitive product available

7. And finally, if you could purchase property anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? 

If I could buy anywhere, I would buy a House in Windsor with a garden backing on to the river Thames, maybe not as exciting as a villa in the South of France of a Penthouse in NY but it is where I am most at home. 

Working with Enness, you will benefit from a made-to-measure mortgage. Your broker will structure your mortgage in a way that keeps your costs low and utilises the best elements of your finances to secure the most competitive deal.

Call Enness today for a no-obligation chat about how to get a mortgage in Dubai and the different ways Enness can help you with property finance in the city.